
What do you need to quit this season?

This time of year can get so crazy.

 All the expectations, activities, family obligations, work schedules and parties, and more.

 It can be so overwhelming and exhausting.

What on your “to do” list this next month is not life giving to you and can be marked off?

We all want to show up for the people in our lives, but is that always healthy? Is that always what is best for us?

What do we need to let go of and take off our plate so that we can enjoy this Christmas season and go into the new year refreshed and excited for the year ahead?

I also think its important to hear (or read…) this…

You are NOT expected to show up to everything you are invited to or that is happening around you!

Sometimes we put expectations on ourselves that are unhealthy and unrealistic. Are you expecting too much of yourself? A lot of times others don’t realize all that we have going on when they invite us and sometimes they actually do understand when we have to say “no” to an invitation.

This Christmas season – Find one, two, or three things you can say NO to. Remember, your “no” to one thing could mean you get to say “yes” to something else OR even better your NO can simply be saying YES to the rest YOU need.

If you have kids – this is also something they need to see modeled for them as well. Learning this early could be so helpful and beneficial. Yes, they may get mad when you say no to something they wanted to do, but saying yes to your family unit as a whole is so much better in the long run.


New Year… New Focus


Joy of the season…