I am so proud of you!

Sometimes the greatest encouragement is to hear someone say they are proud of us. It seems so small but those few words can be so powerful!

To the one who made it through the week just hanging on by a thread… You did it! You made it through the week! I know it was hard, but now you can see that you CAN do hard things! I see you and I am so proud of you for not quitting.

To the one who juggled all the things this week… You did it! You handled it like a champ! I see you! Proud of you for staying the course and for being determined to make it all happen.

To the one who feels left behind, lonely, or discouraged… You made it through another hard day/week of longing for community, a job, the next step, something… I see you! I am so proud of you for being brave enough to acknowledge how you feel. Now you can start taking steps to get out of this funk you are in.

To the one who is watching everyone else get what your heart desires… Oh friend, I see you! The way you love, encourage, and celebrate with everyone else… I am so proud you! I know this is so hard, but your strength and faith is so admirable. Keep dreaming! Hold tight to Psalm 37:4!

To the one who had to make hard decisions… I see you! I am proud of you for being discerning and for taking steps to make those hard decision. I know it wasn’t easy and there will still be hard days ahead. Don’t give up! You are amazing and I am so proud of you!

To the one who accomplished something you have been working so hard on… I see you! You did it! Way to go! I am proud of you for sticking with it and seeing it through!

To the one who took a step back… This is so hard, but so necessary sometimes. I see you! I know this wasn’t easy, but man am I proud of you!

To the one who is overcome with anxiety… I see you! Remember to breathe slowly and call out to God. His peace is so amazing… the way He wraps us up in His perfect peace that passes all understanding is so comforting. I am proud of you! Proud of you for loving so hard, caring so much, and for thinking so hard about things because you care so much. Friend, Cast your cares upon God… let Him take it. His ways are so much better.

To the one who is fighting a health issue… I see you! I am proud of you for the courage and strength it takes to keep fighting. Don’t give up now! You have people in your corner, praying for you!

To the one who was hit with some unexpected news (good or bad)… I see you! I am proud of you for processing the new information and asking the questions your heart needed answers to. You are amazing!

To the one who put yourself out there… I see you! So proud of you for trying and for believing in yourself! Don’t quit… Keep putting yourself out there. You can do it! The world needs who God created you to be!!!!

There are so so many more, but I want you all to see that YOU matter! What you have gone through this week is amazing! You are seen, you are loved, and I am so proud of all of you!

Life is hard! The ups and downs of life throw us in all directions and sometimes it is just overwhelming. Remember in the good and the bad that we have a friend that never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always there for us, cheering us on.

We all need a cheerleader (or 2, or 3) on the good days and the bad ones too. Sometimes, we just need to hear someone say “I am proud of you” no matter what we are going through.

Tell someone today how proud you are of them, I promise you it will go a long way!


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